Educational Radiology Resources for Trainees
Click on each category listed below to see the recommendations.
List of Categories

The largest open access radiology resource in the world, providing free, online, educational resource for radiologists, radiographers, and medical students. It features over 35,000 peer-reviewed articles, over 15,000 images and videos, and a vibrant community of over 1 million registered users.

Radiology Assistant
A free comprehensive resource featuring a wide range of articles, images, and videos on various radiology topics, as well as interactive tools and quizzes to test knowledge and skills.

A comprehensive diagnostic decision support system, providing evidence-based information including modality-based imaging findings for disease processes. StatDx is a susbscription-based product, and some radiology programs provide these subscriptions to their trainees.

Radiographics is the official scientific journal of the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA). It is a peer-reviewed, biomedical journal that publishes original contributions on the diagnostic and therapeutic aspects of medical imaging with a focus on education.

Radiology Charts
A very useful website for quick review of imaging findings in common pathologies. A short description of findings is accompanied with a representative image, making it easier to undrestand. In addition to imaging findings (including NECT, CECT, T1w MRI, contrast T1w MRI, T2w MRI, FLAIR, and DWI/ADC), gross pathology descriptions and images are also provided.

Learning Radiology
Geared towards medical students and R1 residents, this website is based on the popular book "Learning Radiology: Recognizing the Basics", providing some online Powerpoint-styled presentations.
Daily Cases

ACR's Case in Point
Every weekday, this website publishes a case with 4-5 multiple choice questions, followed by short explanation of imaging findings. Note that access to ACR Case in Point is restrictred to ACR members.
Radiographs (A.K.A Plain Films)

Lines & Tubes
Lines, tubes, and common devices that you see on chest XRays, are all seen here. The website is region-based as well as based on type of the device.

UW Guide's on Orthopedic Hardware
This website helps you overcome the fear of orthopedic hardware, ss described by the author:
"...many radiologists freak out when they are faced with reading out films with orthopedic hardware, and will mumble something vague along the lines of “Orthopedic hardware is seen and surgical changes are noted…..”, for fear that they will say something dumb and the orthopedists will laugh at them."

A comprehensive guide to US equipment and imaging techniques, as well as some information on interpreting the images.

Ultrasound Cases
A collection of more than 7600 ultrasound cases, presented with images in different projections and annotations to point out specific features. A number of video loops are sometimes added to demonstrate the dynamic aspects of the various types of pathology. When available, relevant images of other imaging modalities, like MRI and X-ray, are also added.

Liver Ultrasound Atlas (Univ of Washington)
A collection of US cases of liver pathologies by the University of Washington. For each pathology, you can find morphologic features and representative images. Many cases have accompanying CT and/or MRI images as well.
Breast Imaging

Mammogram Cases (Univ of Washington)
A small but helpful collection of mammogram cases accompanied with multiple-choice questions. The website includes 21 cases and each case has multiple questions (+ their explanations).
Cardiothoracic Imaging

Thoracic Lymph Node Stations (Radiopaedia)
Annotated thoracic lymph node stations on scrollable CTs.

U VA's Guide for Pulmonary CTA
A comprehesive guide on Pulmonary CTA, including CT techniques and review of the anatomy.
Gastrointestinal Imaging

Liver Imaging Atlas (Univ of Washington)
A collection of liver pathologies by the University of Washington providing morphologic features and representative images on US, CT, and/or MRI.

U VA's Fluoroscopy Imaging Guides
A self-directed tutorial for residents and medical students to learn to do procedures and to evaluate radiographs of GI tract, hepatobiliary system, spleen, and pancreas. Quizzes are provided for practice and self-assessment.

BSGAR's Guide to Barium Swallow
British Society of Gastrointestinal and Abdominal Radiology (BSGAR)'s short but complete tutorial on how to perform a barium swallow exam.
Musculoskeletal Imaging

Annotated Musculoskeletal MRI
" [This website] includes a very simplified approach to the mri imaging sequences and the thought process behind why we use those sequences. Images are stacked for scrolling so that they can be viewed in the same way a radiologist would view them while evaluating a patient."

Basic Review of MSK Radiographs
A basic review of normal anatomy,
common fractures, soft tissue signs in the absence of obvious bony injury and
fracture classification including common eponyms. Additionally, you can find more information on radiographic projections.

UW Guide's on Orthopedic Hardware
This website helps you overcome the fear of orthopedic hardware, ss described by the author:
"...many radiologists freak out when they are faced with reading out films with orthopedic hardware, and will mumble something vague along the lines of “Orthopedic hardware is seen and surgical changes are noted…..”, for fear that they will say something dumb and the orthopedists will laugh at them."

Pediatric Bone Radiographs
A not-so-complicated and useful website showing how normal pediatric bones should look like on radiographs at different stages of childhood.
Pediatric Imaging

Pediatric Bone Radiographs
A not-so-complicated and useful website showing how normal pediatric bones should look like on radiographs at different stages of childhood.

Anatomy and imaging content atlas with images in CT, MRI, radiographs, anatomical diagrams and nuclear images. E-Anatomy is a susbscription-based product, and some radiology programs provide these subscriptions to their trainees.

Annotated Anatomy (Radiopaedia)
A series of annotated (and mostly scrollable) images of various systems on radiographs, CT, MRI, and angiograms.

Annotated Musculoskeletal MRI
" [This website] includes a very simplified approach to the mri imaging sequences and the thought process behind why we use those sequences. Images are stacked for scrolling so that they can be viewed in the same way a radiologist would view them while evaluating a patient."

ESGAR's Short Videos for GI Anatomy
An initiative by European Society of Gastrointestinal and Abdominal Radiology (ESGAR), providing 10-20min long educational videos on anatomy of the GI system.

Xray Physics (it's actually more than just XRays!)
Review of physics in MRI , CT, X-ray, and Ultrasound physics with a focus on practical physics, concepts that actually impact radiation exposure and image quality.

"Introducing MRI" Lectures by Einstein COM
"This introductory chapter of Dr. Michael Lipton's MRI course covers the basic technology of MRI, including signal intensity, contrast resolution and spatial resolution."

MR Technology Information Portal
Whatever you need in terms of MRI physics, you can find it here. Topics include and are not limited to artifacts, coils, devices, protocols, and sequences.
Question Banks

A question bank with 2100+ questions that are categorized based on systems and pathologies.
Recommended Phone/Tablet Apps

Rad Discord
A must-have for all radiology trainees, Rad Discord is an online community of radiologists and radiology trainees that provide any information related to radiology, which includes but is not limited to clinical information, research, career advice, and resources. First, download the Discord app and create an account. After that, come back here and click on the "Discord Link" below to join the community. Everyone is vetted before joining in, which makes this a very safe and peaceful enviornment.
Free + in-app purchases
Anatomy and imaging content atlas with images in CT, MRI, radiographs, anatomical diagrams and nuclear images.
CT Anatomy
Free + in-app purchases
A cross-sectional CT axial anatomy guide. Simple, intuitive, and beautiful interface. Note that the free version is very limited.
Radiology Measurem-ents
Free + in-app purchases
An atlas of the main measurements in radiology and their normal values based on the most cited literature.
Medical Devices on Chest - Xray
Review and explore the appearances of common and uncommon medical devices, organized by category. Search for a medical device in seconds using this app's lightning quick search feature.
Lung CT Field Guide
Over 60 prototypical lung CT images, organized by attenuation and pattern of distribution. · Nearly 60 color graphic illustrations of prototypical lung CT imaging features
Followup Imaging Guide
Review and explore the appearances of common and uncommon medical devices, organized by category. Search for a medical device in seconds using this app's lightning quick search feature.
SIR Guidelines
SIR's published guidelines and statements providing evidence-based recommendations in an easy-to-use point of care format intended to simplify clinical decision-making.
CTisus iLecture Series
This app offers weekly updated lectures in 23 various topics divided into organ systems (e.g., pancreas, liver, kidneys) or additional topics (e.g., protocol design, 3D imaging, incidentalomas).
MRI Made Easy... well almost
A fully animated, dynamically indexed, interactive app to teach the principles of MR Imaging.