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It seems that this calculator incorrectly assigns 4 points for a soft tissue mass, while according to the ACR’s page for Bone-RADS it should assign 2 points only. May you please verify this and fix the bug? Thank you.
Hello Dr. Marek,
Thank you so much for bringing this error to my attention. The bug has been fixed!
I appreciate your feedback.
Thank you for your reply! Now I realized that the cause of the confusion is on the ACR’s page for Bone-RADS, because the presence of a soft tissue mass is differently assessed in two documents:
– 2 points in the “Bone-RADS TM v2023 Assessment Categories and Scoring Systemâ€
– 4 points in the “Bone-RADS TM – Radiography Imaging Report Template for Potentially Neoplastic Bone Lesionsâ€.
Is there a way to check which document contains an error?