O-RADS ™ 2022 Calculator

ACR's Ovarian -Adnexal Reporting and Data System (O'RADS) Including updates to US v2022 published on September 12 2023 Now with report generator for US findings

Which imaging modality do you want to report for?


Click here to visit ACR's page for O-RADS.

All images in this calculator have been obtained from ACR's white paper mentioned in the references below.

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The Ovarian-Adnexal Reporting and Data Systems (O-RADS) initiative, spearheaded by the American College of Radiology (ACR), has embarked on developing a comprehensive lexicon for evaluating adnexal lesions, encompassing both MRI and ultrasound (US) modalities. This endeavor addresses the prevalent inconsistency in reporting terminology across imaging modalities, aiming to harmonize interpretation practices and facilitate seamless communication between radiologists and referring physicians. By establishing standardized descriptors applicable to both MRI and US findings, the lexicon seeks to enhance interpretation agreement, improve diagnostic accuracy, and optimize patient management strategies across diverse clinical settings.

The O-RADS MRI lexicon, developed by the ACR O-RADS MRI Committee, is a crucial component of this initiative. It comprises seven categories of descriptors tailored specifically for adnexal masses, meticulously crafted through expert consensus and evidence-based principles. These descriptors encompass a wide spectrum of morphological and functional MRI properties, providing radiologists with a structured framework to accurately characterize adnexal lesions detected through MRI. Concurrently, the ACR O-RADS US lexicon, developed under the same initiative, offers a parallel set of standardized terms and definitions for adnexal lesions observed on ultrasound. This lexicon, derived through a modified Delphi process and consensus-driven methodology, includes descriptors for various classes of lesions, facilitating reliable interpretations and streamlined communication of US findings.

The integration of both the O-RADS MRI and US lexicons into clinical practice promises significant benefits in the realm of adnexal lesion evaluation. By providing a common vocabulary and structured approach to reporting, these lexicons enable clearer communication of imaging findings, reduce ambiguity, and enhance the accuracy of diagnostic assessments. Radiologists and clinicians can leverage these standardized descriptors to formulate tailored management plans based on actionable information gleaned from MRI and US reports. This holistic approach, encompassing both MRI and US modalities, ensures comprehensive evaluation and optimized patient care for individuals with adnexal lesions, fostering a paradigm shift towards precision medicine and improved clinical outcomes.

The incorporation of the O-RADS MRI and US lexicons into clinical practice introduces a transformative tool for healthcare providers in the evaluation of adnexal lesions. By offering a standardized vocabulary and structured approach to reporting, these lexicons facilitate efficient communication between radiologists and referring clinicians, leading to quicker and more accurate diagnoses. Moreover, the lexicons provide actionable information that guides clinicians in formulating personalized management strategies based on the specific characteristics and risk profiles of adnexal lesions. This streamlined approach not only improves diagnostic accuracy but also enhances patient care by ensuring timely and appropriate interventions, ultimately translating into better clinical outcomes for individuals with adnexal lesions.

In this context, the incorporation of a calculator that computes the O-RADS score based on both MRI and US findings further enhances the utility of these lexicons in clinical practice. This calculator harnesses the structured descriptors provided by the O-RADS lexicons to generate a comprehensive assessment of adnexal lesions, taking into account the nuances captured by both MRI and US modalities. By automating the scoring process, the calculator streamlines decision-making for radiologists, allowing them to quickly ascertain the risk profile of adnexal lesions and tailor management strategies accordingly. This integration of technology not only saves time but also promotes consistency and accuracy in risk assessment, ultimately contributing to improved patient outcomes and enhanced clinical workflow efficiency.

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