Management of Radiology Incidental Findings in the Lungs

Based on recommendations by the American College of Radiology (ACR), published as guidelines (white papers)
Which incidental & asymptomatic lung finding have you identified?
Which one best describes the patient?
How is patient's general risk of malignancy?
What is the size of the largest or most concerning nodule?
What is the size of the nodule?
Which one best describes the patient?
Solitary finding or multiple findings?
What is the size of the nodule, or if multiple, the largest/most suspicious nodule?
How is the lesion's composition?
Which parts of the lungs are the pulmonary cysts in?
Are there other associated abnormalities?
Which option best describes the finding(s)?
Where are the findings located?
Which associated findings are present?
Which associated findings are present?
Which option best describes the finding(s)?
Are there any additional findings?
What is the extent of reticular opacities?


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