Mediastinal and Cardiovascular Incidentalomas on Thoracic CT

Management recommendation generator based on recommendations by the American College of Radiology (ACR), published as guidelines (white papers)
incidental - Thoracic
Which incidental & asymptomatic finding have you identified?
What is the location of the finding?
Is the mass cystic?
Further evaluation with MRI
Further evaluation with MRI or PET/CT
Which one best describes the pericardial finding?
Which of the following is applicable to the finding?
Does the patient have a condition that would explain this finding?
No further work-up
Further management depends on the primary disease
Clinical consultation and/or PET/CT and/or follow-up with chest CT in 3-6 months
On the follow-up CT, if the lymph node is enlarged, consider PET/CT or biopsy. If the size is stable or decreased, no further work-up is needed.
Consider MRI or short-term follow-up CT


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