Spleen Volume & Index (Ultrasound, CT, MRI)

Calculate the splenic volume and index, as well as upper limit of normal for spleen's volume and length based on height and sex.

Spleen Volume

Splenic volume and index

Only required for calculation of the Splenic volume based on the revised formula for ultrasonographic measurements.

Expected upper limits of normal for splenic length and volume

Patient's Sex
Only valid for heights >150cm

Splenic Index= ML x W x T
Splenic Volume=π/6× ML ×W × D
Revised formula ² for Splenic Volume for sonographic measurements = π/6 × W × D × ((ML + CCL) / 2)

Expected volume/length based on sex and height is calculated based on formula by Chow et al ¹. 


ML= Maximum Length

CCL = Craniocaudal Length (most superior to most inferior aspect) 

W= Width


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